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Dropship & Agent Registration


1.    Lifetime fee of RM30

2.    Dropship will enjoy a discount of up to 5 % - 15 % from RM5 - RM10 for each item sold but the commission will change from time to time on certain promotions.

3.    No capital required.

4.    No need to keep stock of products.

5.    Will be included in the Telegram group to get all the latest info and photo.

6.    Obtain permission to use info, images, catalogs and so on on the website, facebook and Instagram MinionWholesaleHijab for promotional purposes.

7.    MinionWholesaleHijab only accepts orders from dropship through the official website only.


1.    Lifetime fee of RM180

2.    Agent will enjoy a discount of up to 5 % - 25% from RM5 – RM25 for each item sold but the commission will change from time to time on certain promotions.

3.    No capital required

4.    Will get more discount if buy 2000 pieces and above. 

5.    If you become an agent and dare to spend capital to buy and keep stock, you will probably be able to make more profit from the retail sales you make and run. fret not, agents have special prices who want to stock themselves.

6.    Will be included in the telegram group to get all the latest  info and pictures 

7.    Obtain permission to use info, images, catalogs and so on on the website, facebook and Instagram MinionWholesaleHijab for promotional purposes.

8.    MinionWholesaleHijab only accepts orders from agent through the official website only.